Monday, 31 December 2012

Some 2012 facts and figures

I love recording my training on Log Your Run because I love seeing the totals stacking up as the year proceeds.  The swimming is of most interest to me because I have data for 2011 too, to compare it with, but it's good to have some fledgling bike and run data in there too!

In total, in 2012, I swam 873km, which is over 100km more than in 2011.

My best swimming month was May, unsurprisingly, as it concluded with a 10k swim race, which I was putting in long training swims for - I swam 99.2km.

My worst swimming month was September, probably because we spent 10 days on holiday and whilst we did fit in a couple of swims, it was mainly cycling - I swam 45.5km.  This was closely followed by December, where I had my longest break from the pool all year, of 9 days, and only managed to swim 51k.

The amount of swimming did drop off during the year, which was because I took up tri in June!  The arrival of my road bike in July, and an attempt to learn to ride it, saw me doing a lot of extra bike k's in addition to my daily round-trip commute of 15k (which I don't record as it's more of an A to B exercise than training...), and I totalled 910km on the bike.

Running-wise, I barely ran at all in the first 6 months of the year, due to a combination of first an ankle injury, then iron-deficiency anaemia.  I nonethless managed to increase the k's run in 2012 on 2011, running 138k compared with 113k.  I know that's a small amount and it'll definitely have to increase in 2013 with the looming 70.3!

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with these figures.  I've mainly been consistent and have got a good volume of swim training under my belt, which I think helped to account for the good results I had in the main in my 2012 openwater swim season.  I think it's likely that I'll be swimming slightly less in 2013, partly because I won't be entering a 10k swim race, but also because I'll need to concentrate a bit more on the bike and run!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to see where swimming, biking, and running takes you in 2013! :)
