Sunday, 13 January 2013

Pretty good week

I think last week was pretty good, all in all.  I accrued 16k of swimming (across 6 sessions), and 19.5k of running (across THREE sessions (go me!)), as well as the Fitness Pilates class that I went to yesterday.  No cycling, but I still did 9 x 4.5 mile commutes and learned to change a tyre (and bizarrely, I'm finding cycle commuting a bit easier at the moment, although that's probably the weather).  AND I gained an understanding of the theory of how to change an inner tube.  And anyway, I'd always said Jan and Feb were about training to get the fitness up to make the most of Swim Camp and to try to get around this half marathon.

I'm not going to set goals/targets/schedules for this week, again because I need to be gentle with myself as I try to keep myself on an even keel mood-wise, especially as it's the first week of term.  Also, snow is forecast and it's going to be jolly cold.  Not that I mind training in the cold, but I am petrified of ice, and would rather miss a few workouts than miss LOADS of workouts because I've broken something.  We'll have to see how it goes.  I've booked a place for Fitness Pilates on Wednesday night though!

Four weeks til my half marathon and FIVE WEEKS TIL TENERIFE!


  1. Black ice scares me so much! Can't wait to hear about the fitness Pilates session too--take pics? ;)

  2. Intrigued by the swimming Pilates exercise. Me I did 3k this week. But then I am not training for anything and I have also one body pump twice and Zumba as well.

  3. Sounds like you are doing very well to me!!
